The hate and love affaire with my 1976 Land Rover, a series 3, 109 inch ambulance bodied beauty.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Welcome to the interesting world of Land Rover motoring... this will be the place to keep you all posted about the good and bad days of me and my Land Rover series III 109 ambulance.

Our ambulance has been with us since 2002, but wasn't road legal untill June 2003 (that's when she became tax exempt). It was a childhood dream of mine to own a Land Rover and when we moved to our new home, our old 2CV acadiane had to go and we started looking for a landrover.

I started building a garage with a landrover in the back of my head, all measurements were considered so one would fit. Than one fine day we drove past the small city of Zevenhuizen (Groningen) where we saw several ex-militairy series III standing outside. We went looking and almost immediatly our attention was drawn towards two ambulances. I had never seen this model before, but I totally loved it. Brigitte liked it too, especially because we could turn it into a camper, which she could decorate... (little did she know that this would take quite some time)

After a second visit we picked the best of the two. The guy we bought it from had to fix a few things (jammed clutch, new headlights, batteries etc) and he would bring it by our house the next week. Days past and then our 109 series III ambulance finally arrived on a big trailer (it had no licence and wasn't allowed on public roads). We drove it off, which was really scary and took it for a little spin around the block.

Wow, I was completly baffled, what a car. This was the real work, no powersteering, pure diesel power (well, the lack of it), way above the rest of the ordinary cars and so much fun. I felt like a kid alone in a candy store. I couldn't wait to get it registered to make it road legal...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nou bas een plaatje zou wel leuk zijn....grt Hans

1/25/2006 10:58 PM


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