Fitting a new alternator.
This weekend I started working on replacing my faulty alternator. The old army lump had an external voltage regulator and it was a pain in the ass to find the faults in the system. The batteries kept running flat, especially on the cold days and they were only slightly charged when the enigine was high in revs.
Because this was my second alternator I decided to look around for another option. I heard that it would be possible to fit a 24 volt system from a Toyota Landcruiser. This device had an extra feature on the backside, a vacuumpump, from which I could feed my brakeservo and enhance my (poor) braking capacity…
The only problem with it was that it needed an external oil supply. So that wouldn't be anygood after all.
Then Arnoud (bluetop 109) on the landrover prikbord showed me how he solved his problem. He took an alternator from a truck and adapted the mounting on the enigine and that worked like a charm!
See how he has solved it.
So yesterday I got out the old mounting and went to my Land Rover Comrad Renée and he welded a new bracket to the mounting. I finished it with a nice black finish and I can mount it tommorrow. I'm really anxious to see it work, more on that later....
Can you tell me what truck alternator you used?
10/31/2009 9:15 PM
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