The hate and love affaire with my 1976 Land Rover, a series 3, 109 inch ambulance bodied beauty.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

new rims installed

Saterday I went to my favorite garage (Jan Timmerman) and fitted my BF GOODRICH Mud Terrains (255/85 r16) on the new modulair rims I bought (see previous post).
With the great help of Ronny on his free afternoon, the tires were of the old 5,5j rims and on the new ones in no time. It certainly helpt that the new rimes are tubeless (fitting tubes in these tires is a real pain in the ass!).

I'm really satisfied with the result, I can take sharp corners again and the looks are also great.
These big wheels feel like they can take you anywhere, gotta be carefull with that thought!

dirty old landrover with great new rims

new modulairs 16 - 7j - with BF GOODRICH Mud Terrain 255/85 r16)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I was thinking of putting identical tires on my SIII Dormobile. May I ask you what wheels you used and whether they caused any reduction in the turning circle or created any other problems for that matter.


12/28/2008 8:35 PM

Blogger widt said...

He Jason,
Sorry for the late reply. The wheels are 255/85 r16 BF Goodrich Mud Terrains on 16'7j modular rims.
Turningcircle was reduced a bit. But the main advantage was that I didn't need an overdrive anymore because of the bigger size of the wheel. You can now easily drive 90km/h with less noice. Only problem is that you have to make more revs to get up to speed...

Good luck!

2/06/2009 9:41 PM


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